Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 29 June, 2024
internet fix

Here's what went viral today: Monday

We read the internet so you don’t have to.

EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.

6GuZIHD This dog went for a roll in a freshly-mowed lawn. Silly dog. Imgur Imgur

People were reading:

A policeman who had to tell a teen his parents had been killed showed up at his graduation. Cue tears.

A man was ‘ejected’ from a nude bike ride after becoming aroused. Oops.

There’s gonna be ANOTHER Fifty Shades of Grey book from Christian Grey’s perspective.

People were watching:

This baby hippo playing peekaboo.

This dog thoroughly enjoying a bouncy castle.

People were retweeting:

And finally… People were giggling at:

This cheeky cushion.

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